Friday, March 28, 2014

Blog # 7: A Work in Progress

     I am really excited about forming my own group on campus. It feels really good to be doing something different for a change. To be honest I never though that I would get that far, but thankfully I have. I just recently made contact with Students for Life to talk to them about my group. I sent them an email and I received a response from the West Coast Coordinator of Students for Life. She expressed to me her excitement to begin working with us and she seemed just as happy as I am to be working together. We are currently working on scheduling a day to have a pro-life training. I need to coordinate a day that will work for the other members in the group. She did mention, however, that the training would have to be via the internet because she will not be in the area for a while. Along with the training she will be sending a starter activism kit and I will need to fill out a group form to send to them. A little obstacle right now is that I am somewhat limited in what I can do on campus because the group is not official yet. I need to do a check up to see how the process is going to make the group official. Other than that I would say that I am doing some significant progress. 

     An upcoming event will be taking place Saturday March 19th at St. Boniface Catholic Church. It will be a prayer vigil coordinated with my youth group at my own parish. We will stand outside an abortion clinic to do a silent protest in prayer. This event is taking place due to the 40 Days for Life. The 40 Days for Life is a nationwide campaign of prayer to end abortion. I am hoping to be able to attend this event to support the youth against abortion. I will definitely make sure to take lots of pictures of this event. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Blog # 6: Lack of Planning

     I was unable to attend the UCLA Leadership Summit and the March for Life due to lack of organization. I did not plan ahead of time and when the date crept up on me I was unprepared. I was disappointed that I was unable to attend because it seemed like a really good opportunity. However that experience taught me an important lesson about organization. I Learned that I need to step it up and start planning out what I need to do ahead of time. My teacher seemed to have the same idea because he had us make a schedule about what we are going to do with our projects. My schedule was a little vague but it did help me organize myself and start thinking. I now have a better idea of what I want to do and what I need to do. 
     Lately I have been working hard on my future group Students for Life. At our last meeting on Thursday we began brainstorming ideas for the group. We decided that we need to start promoting the group on campus. Promoting the group is crucial to success because we want to get as many people as possible. So far to promote the group we came up with the idea of selling bracelets, making shirts, making a video, and hanging posters around campus. We realized that we have a lot of work to do. There is a lot of major issues that we need to discuss and one of those is that we basically need to figure out a structure for the group. I have a lot of work ahead but I am happy where we're at right now; we are where I never imagined we'd be.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Blog # 5: Upcoming Events

     I have been trying to get more involved in pro-life activities but it has been a bit hard. So far most of the work that I have done has been on my own account. Although it is good for me to do my own activities I feel that it is also important for me to be involved with other professional pro-life organizations. I want to be recognized by other organizations to gain connections. As a result I have two upcoming events: the March for Life and the UCLA Pro-Life Leadership Training.
      The March for Life will be taking place on March 15th at Encino, CA. I had heard of this event years ago and I had always wanted to go. The main purpose of the event is to spread awareness about abortion in the community. I could either be a walker or I could even volunteer to help out in the event. I would love to attend but it will be quite tricky considering that neither of my parents have the physical health to attend an event that long. I will try to attend if I find someone else to accompany me and if not I will attend the UCLA Pro-Life Leadership Training. 

     If I am unable to attend the March for Life I will be attending another pro-life event on March 15th. I will try to attend the Pro-Life Leadership Program at UCLA. This event is something that I think will benefit the group that I am trying to form because it will teach the other leaders and I what is necessary to make the group Students for Life successful. It is most likely that I will be attending this event. However, I better figure it out soon so that I can sign up for the event that I want to attend. 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Blog # 4: Paperwork for Savanna Students for Life

     I have actually been very busy the past few weeks so I had procrastinated on getting the paperwork for the Pro-Life club at school. The paperwork is very simple and basic but there was still some minor details that I had to figure out. I was finally able to get the signature from the future club adviser just last week. The next step is to type the club purpose so that I can turn in the paperwork. I plan to have the paperwork turned in no later than March 12th because I want to have the club running as soon as possible. I'm still not sure how hard it is going to be to make the club official. For the application I need to have the Principal's signature as well as the Assistant Superintendent's signature. After that I am not sure exactly who has to make the group official. In other words I still have a lot of work to do.
     To promote the group my next step is to create a Facebook group to spread the word out about the group. My friend will actually be the one primarily in charge for the media for the group since she is a passionate pro-life leader as well. I am hoping to use the power of other social medias as well to help spread the word. I will be contacting Students for Life of America to tell them about our progress and to ask for help to start the group. I am really optimistic about the pro-life group but at the same time I am afraid that the group will not be a success. All I can do is pray for the best. 

Purpose of Savanna Students for Life:
"Members of Students for Life will work to save the lives of those threatened by abortion. The respect for life will be promoted and encouraged among those who share the same life concerns."