Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Week 7: A Letter to My Aborted Sibling by Dave Andrusko

     Unfortunately many times when mothers abort they forget to consider the impact the abortion will have on their future children. Some mothers even fail to realize that they could never again have children due to damage by the abortion. It is hard for anyone to understand that their mother that gave birth to them would've killed their unborn brother or sister. 
      Dave Andrusko is the editor of National Right to Life News and an author and editor of several books on abortion topics. He describes the mourning he feels after finding out that his mother aborted through a letter titled "A Letter to My Aborted Sibling: I'm Sorry You Were Never Loved". 

This is the letter:
She was 15 when your life started, 16 when your life ended. She said no one told her you were more than a lump of tissue. I’m sorry for ignorance.
Your father would be 57 now. She said he doesn’t know. I wish she told him. I wish he fought for you. I wish somebody fought. I’m sorry for secrets.
You would have been my half sibling. 14 years older than me. She took you from me before I even existed…before I could do anything. I’m sorry for unfairness.
You would have been 34 years old. You would have more than likely been married and have your own children. I would have nieces and nephews, you would have a family. But you weren’t even given a name. I’m sorry for abandonment. 
Maybe when my other siblings were telling me lies and devaluing me, you would have spoken truth. Maybe you would have stood up for me when no one did. I’m sorry for life being devalued.
Is it possible to miss someone you’ve never even met?…because my heart longs for you. It longs for you to have life. I’m sorry for death.
I wish you could have come to my graduation, I wish I could have gone to yours. I wish we were friends. I wish I could call you right now. I wish we could share all of our joys and griefs. I wish we were at least given a chance.
I’m sorry for selfishness.
It’s just so unfair for you…for us. How could she have killed you? How could our grandmother drive our mother to the clinic so that they could murder you? I’m sorry for silence.
I miss you. I love you.

I’m so sorry no one loved you

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Week 6: Getting Informed

     Unfortunately I have not been able to get involved in any pro-life movements due to my busy school schedule. Therefore, I have been feeling like I haven't been drifting away from the real purpose of my project; to encourage and educate others. During my last event I felt like I lacked knowledge about the pro-life movement. I have therefore decided to get informed more before I fully get involved in my project. Getting informed is crucial for me because I know that there will be a lot of people that will be opposed to what I believe in so I need to be prepared to defend myself properly against those people.
     I have decided to read Why Pro-Life?: Caring for the Unborn and their Mothers by Randy C. Alcorn. This book was given to me a while ago during my very first pro-life event way back in May. This book gives factual answers to the abortion debate. It includes interesting topics like "What Makes a Human Life Meaningful", "Is Abortion Really a Women's Rights Issue", and "How Can I Help Unborn Babies and Their Mothers". This book clearly examines the pro-life position and it helps people who are in the middle of the abortion debate as well as encourage those already pro-life. I really encourage everyone who is interested in the pro-life movement to read this book. 

"To change our culture, it is not enough to say that we are pro-life; we must explain why we are pro-life. This is an excellent resource that does precisely that."
                                                                                                            -Fr. Frank Pavone