Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Week 5: A Baby At 20 Weeks

     As part of my goal to help fight for the pro-life movement I have my mind and heart set on becoming a doctor. I plan on becoming either an obstetrician, gynecologist, psychologist, or maybe even all three. In an attempt to get started on my medical career I joined the Savanna High School Medical Academy. In there I am learning the basics of medical terminology, medical history, safety precautions, and much more. I am really grateful to be in that class and although I am still far from becoming a doctor being in that class makes me feel closer.

     Being in the Medical Academy I got the chance to visit the Cadaver Lab. In there I got to see the insides of a human body. Although the smell in there was terrible I was fascinated by the human body. Our body is made with such precision and it has so much detail in every single organ that its hard to not consider it a miracle. My favorite part of the field trip was looking at the babies. (None of whom had been aborted, of course.) There was a couple week old fetuses in jars. There was one baby that was not in a jar and that we were allowed to hold; she was 20 weeks old. When I got to hold her my heart sank because she looked like she was a fully developed baby, just smaller. This baby had fingernails, eyebrows, eyelashes, and hair already. The reason this made me sad is because many mothers are allowed to abort their babies at this size or some even bigger. At this stage mothers are halfway through the pregnancy and with technology nowadays many of these babies could survive. No matter what these mother's reason is for aborting the baby they can't deny the fact that many of their babies could be saved if they chose life.

     I have the following video to show a fetus' development at 15-20 weeks.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Week 4: Dead Baby in Victoria's Secret

     I have been a little too busy to get involved in any pro-life movements lately. However, I am hoping to find another event to attend to soon. Meanwhile I will be posting some pro-life news for my readers to get informed.   
     The world has surprised me once again when through the news I found out that a dead baby was found in the purse of a shoplifter in a Victoria's Secret store in Manhattan. On October 19, 2013,  17 year old Tiona Rodriguez and her accomplice  Francis Estevez were stopped by a security guard when they were suspected of shoplifting in Victoria's Secret. A bad odor coming from a bag in Tiona's purse caused suspicion from the security guard. When her bag was searched a dead baby was found inside of her purse along with other stolen items.  The baby was weighing 8 pounds and was approximated to be about 8 months old. Tiona Rodriguez lied to the police saying that she was 6 months pregnant when she suffered a miscarriage on Wednesday. There is more information being looked for considering how the baby died. Tiona Rodriguez arrived at Manhattan criminal court on Saturday morning to face charges. The prosecuter Robert Hettlemen says they are not holding further charges and he is only asking for a $1,000 bail. More information can be found in the links below:

     I feel confused sometimes to see how people treat abortion. There are people who are surprised and  disgusted when they read this story. They feel sad for the baby and they consider it murder, but many of these people are the ones that believe that it is the woman's choice whether she keeps the baby or not. This woman made her choice. How is this different than the babies aborted in abortion centers? Babies are found in trash cans, this baby just happened to be in his mother's purse. It is the same thing.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Week 3: An Interesting Story

     Today I am going to share an interesting short story that I heard from my dad today. I found it to be very interesting and it really got me thinking. I hope it will get you thinking too.

     A woman carrying a child in her arms entered her gynecologist's office.
     "Doctor, I have a problem I would like to speak to you about. I just had my baby less than a year ago and I am pregnant once again. I want to have this baby but I don't think right now is the appropriate time. I was wondering if you could do something so that I can avoid having this baby now." she said.
     "Well, we do have some options." replied the gynecologist.
     "I think I would like to have an abortion."
     The doctor thought carefully about what this woman was asking of him. After thinking for a while he was able to come up with something.
     "Or how about I take this baby that you have in your hands and kill him instead so that way you will only have one baby to take care of." said the doctor.
     "No!" said the woman rapidly.
     "Oh, I'm sorry ma'm, its just that a moment ago you didn't really seem to care about killing a baby I thought it would be the same for you."

     I thought this story was wonderful because it shows how differently we can view the born and the unborn sometimes. The born and the unborn both have one thing in common; they both have a life, neither one deserves to live more than the other.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Week 2: October is RESPECT LIFE MONTH

I go to St. Justin Martyr Catholic Church and about 2 weeks ago my mom happened to find the ad posted above in the church's weekly bulletin. Of course we were interested in the LIFE CHAIN and we decided to go. I was excited because it would be the first event in my project but I was nervous because I didn't know what to expect. I had done something similar outside another abortion center a while ago but it was different this time. When we got to St. Boniface Catholic Church we noticed that there wasn't many people gathered there. My mom and I then got a poster to carry and walked around the sidewalk to where a couple people stood. There is where I met Teri, the woman in charge of pro-life events in my church and I agreed to help her gather more people for our cause. 

Then came the hard part, we all spread out with our posters and just stood there silently. We stood there on the corner of Harbor Blvd. and Lincoln Ave. in silent prayer. It is one of the bigger streets in Anaheim where a lot of cars pass by and we all stood there with our rosaries in one hand and our posters on the other. I have to admit that it wasn't easy.

This event helped me a lot by showing me what pro-life is about about and it also helped encourage me. The purpose of my project is to create a documentary that will educate and encourage others to join the pro-life movement. I also learned that there is not enough youth on the pro-life side. There was probably about 20 people there and only 4 of us were under 20 years of age. I definitely I still have a long way to go!

My Mom (Martha Jacinto) on the corner of Harbor Blvd. & Lincoln Ave.