Monday, October 7, 2013

Week 2: October is RESPECT LIFE MONTH

I go to St. Justin Martyr Catholic Church and about 2 weeks ago my mom happened to find the ad posted above in the church's weekly bulletin. Of course we were interested in the LIFE CHAIN and we decided to go. I was excited because it would be the first event in my project but I was nervous because I didn't know what to expect. I had done something similar outside another abortion center a while ago but it was different this time. When we got to St. Boniface Catholic Church we noticed that there wasn't many people gathered there. My mom and I then got a poster to carry and walked around the sidewalk to where a couple people stood. There is where I met Teri, the woman in charge of pro-life events in my church and I agreed to help her gather more people for our cause. 

Then came the hard part, we all spread out with our posters and just stood there silently. We stood there on the corner of Harbor Blvd. and Lincoln Ave. in silent prayer. It is one of the bigger streets in Anaheim where a lot of cars pass by and we all stood there with our rosaries in one hand and our posters on the other. I have to admit that it wasn't easy.

This event helped me a lot by showing me what pro-life is about about and it also helped encourage me. The purpose of my project is to create a documentary that will educate and encourage others to join the pro-life movement. I also learned that there is not enough youth on the pro-life side. There was probably about 20 people there and only 4 of us were under 20 years of age. I definitely I still have a long way to go!

My Mom (Martha Jacinto) on the corner of Harbor Blvd. & Lincoln Ave.

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