Sunday, April 27, 2014

Blog # 9: Improvement & Progress = Success

          These past few weeks have been absolutely busy and crazy. I'm actually surprised that I am able to find enough time to do pro-life things. Despite the craziness I am really excited about my progress. Last week I signed up for the Survivors Pro-Life Training Camp over the summer. The cost is $425 for 12 days of this pro-life "boot camp". I am really excited to be attending an actual camp and I was very lucky to have my spot reserved in time because as of now the spots are completely filled. I am hoping that this camp will show me what I am meant to do in the pro-life movement. I am also working on getting better in contact with pro-life organizations so that they can help me out. I am planning to take the diapers I collected to Casa Teresa on May 1st. After that I am also planning to visit another pregnancy center and volunteer there. 
     Time is coming up fast and I realized that I have to present my 20 Percent Project in a couple weeks. I know that I am going to do a video but I don't know what I'm going to include in the video. I haven't really taken much video of what I have done so there isn't much. I really need to get my creative juices flowing and think of the format of the video soon because I'm running out of time. Hopefully Rebels for Life will be an official club by then so I can present that.
     An update on my club Rebels for Life is that it was finally approved by my principal and it will now be sent to the district for approval. I had a meeting with him and 3 other of my friends on Friday to talk about the club. After us explaining the details about the club he gave us 100% of his support. I am so glad that we were able to work this out. I really hope the process doesn't take that long so that I am able to include the club in my presentation in May.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Blog # 8: Planning

     I would like to start off by saying that things have been going really good lately. I have been doing a lot of planning for my pro-life group at school. I had been working on a pro-life video to display on the school announcements and I was finally able to present it to the club at yesterday's weekly meeting. They all gave me very positive feedback and supported me. Now all that's left is to get it approved and put it into the daily announcements. I am a bit worried that they will deny the video because we are technically not an official group. Not being an official group really discourages me sometimes because it limits me a lot in what I can and can't do. There are a lot of events that I want to do and I really can't do them on campus. My very next step is going to be to check up on the application for the group. I was told that it would take about a month to get the club approved by the district but I am afraid that the application hasn't even been sent in. I will not be very happy if I find that to be true. Either way I know that I will be able to have a group eventually by the end of the year and in the end that's all that matters. 

     So far I have two events coming up soon. The first one will take place on April 19th at Casa Teresa. Casa Teresa is a place where women are able to go and receive housing, food, clothes, and prenatal care. It is a really good place and we will be going to deliver diapers. A little while ago I hosted a diaper drive with my church and we were able to raise money as well as diapers. We will then be taking the diapers and the money to them as a donation. It will be a new experience for me and anyone else who accompanies us because I have never been to a pregnancy care center. The second event will take place at the Christ Cathedral on April 26th. It will be a meeting with the pro-life ministries of the Diocese of Orange. I was invited to this event by the pro-life coordinator in my church. So far I have a couple people signed up to attend this event. I am also hoping to have any members of Students for Life attend this group. 

     I have a lot of work to do and I am willing to work harder. I will start planning the meetings on Thursdays to make them more effective so that we are more prepared when the group is official. Below is the clip that I am hoping to get on the school announcements.