The Right to Life League of Southern California is an education and service organization dedicated to the support and protection of unborn life. Founded in 1967 they have done a marvelous at dedicating their time and efforts at defending life. Their purpose is to support women with unplanned pregnancies but rather than doing it through abortion they do it be establishing medical clinics, pregnancy centers, maternity homes, and educative services for teens. I truly admire the work that they have done.
I had not heard of them until a couple months ago when the Youth Minister at my church St. Justin Martyr handed me a flyer she had received. She knew what my mission in life was and she was willing to support me in whatever I needed. She left me in charge of organizing for our church's youth group to attend the Youth Rally for Life on January 18, 2014. I was thrilled to be able to organize this. The date is approaching and I need to begin organizing and promoting for this great event.
The Youth Rally for Life is a great opportunity for anyone interested in being pro-life or learning more. There will be a lot of fun events like speakers, music, testimonies, and so much more. I really hope many people will attend. I can't wait!